Rocky Linux Public Mirror in our data centers in the Netherlands and Spain

Stackscale's public mirror collaboration with Rocky Linux

We are happy to be one of the first Public Mirrors of Rocky Linux in the Netherlands and Spain. We are pleased to support such a passionate, community-driven Linux distribution. To collaborate with this open-source project, we have delivered one mirror in Stackscale’s public mirror in Amsterdam and another one in Stackscale’s public mirror in Madrid.

“Stackscale plays a vital role in the distribution of Rocky Linux to our worldwide audience by providing mirrors to our resources in regions of the world where we don’t yet have infrastructure. Mirroring is just one of many ways that individuals and organizations can choose to contribute to Rocky Linux, and we thank all who have done so.”

— The Rocky Linux team

Rocky Linux aims to create a stable, free and open distribution compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). In order to avoid Rocky Linux ending up like CentOS, the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation (RESF) is working hard on every detail, so that this new Linux distribution always remains in the hands of the community. As of June 1st, 2021, Rocky Linux has already 67 active public mirrors around the world — here you can find the whole Rocky Linux active mirrors list.

What is Rocky Linux?

Rocky Linux is led by Gregory Kurtzer — founder of CentOS, together with Rocky McGaugh. Its goal is to continue the community-supported distribution compatible with RHEL and to fill the gap CentOS left as a downstream of RHEL.

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